Porous plastic pipette filter

Porous plastic transporation

Porous plastic transportation

Porous plastic pipette filter
Material Science made Simple.™ That’s ThermoPore’s credo and it’s demonstrated in our relentless desire to better serve the development needs of the medical, industrial, and consumer community with innovative porous plastics solutions. It’s also the benchmark that we use to measure our success as your development partner.
ThermoPore’s material scientists, engineers, and business development managers take great pride in our ability to efficiently determine if a material solution resides in our technology portfolio. We believe that material solutions begin with fully defined and properly framed developmental projects that include traditional form, fit, function, and commercial feasibility requirements. Our team is especially well versed in typical applications that involve air or liquid filtration, hydrophilic wicking, hydrophobic venting, diffusion, and/or acoustic dampening. We also take pride in being able to develop unique solutions to the most demanding application. Bring us a challenge and we'll deliver a solution. It's really that simple!
Kick off your next project by contacting us directly or simply browse many of the readily available material technologies described throughout this site to start your own material evaluation. As always, we value your opinion and encourage you to let us know how we measure up. So drop us a line, give us a call, or simply let us know the best way to connect. We hope you enjoy your tour and we look forward to working with you and your team.
Thanks for visiting,
ThermoPore Materials Corporation